In addition to our annual Film Festival, we are proud to share the American Documentary Film Fund with independent American filmmakers who compete for financing for new projects as well as works in progress. An amount up to $50,000 may be awarded or distributed in any given year.
A panel of film industry professionals will review a select group of documentary filmmaker projects for funding consideration. Filmmakers will provide detailed story outlines and budgets for their works in progress or new projects. Filmmakers will screen a three (3) minute preview of their film projects before the industry panel and take part in an approximately 10-minute Q&A at the annual Film Fund Pitch Competition in Jihlava, Czech Republic.
We are proud to announce a unique partnership with our friends at the Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival. During Jihlava's annual event at the end of each October, our Film Fund picks will not only compete for some fund assistance but they will be able to pitch their works for possible European co-production sources.
Winning filmmakers will be required to share their finished film at the American Documentary and Animation Film Festival (AmDocs) and at Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival within the first year of completion. All filmmakers submitting for this fund must be U.S. citizens or legal residents in order to participate, and they must be in attendance at the festival for the Film Fund Pitch Competition itself. The festival shall provide accommodations.
If you believe you have what it takes to make your pitch, please provide an electronic package including your story, a three (3) minute preview link in progress, or work to be shot. You can go to our SUBMIT A FILM page to see submission platform options for the Film Fund Pitch Competition. If selected as a Film Fund Pitch Competition finalist, you will be required to send AmDocs hard copies of the trailer/teaser, as well as your story outline and a detailed budget.

2023 Film Fund Finalists TBD